Calendar of Events

Not as Prescribed: Effects of Medication Misuse EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Managing mood disorders can be a balancing act. This course provides information about therole medications play in maintaining equilibrium. It also teaches the importance of observingmedication responses and monitoring for side effects. A review of alternative evidence-basedstrategies to support mood stabilization is also covered. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health […]


Facing Substance Use and Misuse in Your World EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Substance use is a reality in every community. Possibly you or someone in your life has beenimpacted by the challenges of substance use and addiction. This course identifies commonsubstances, addiction development, and their impact on families and communities. The focusis on the older adult population regarding identification, safety, treatment, and recovery. This is a free […]


Hoarding Disorders: Hidden Secrets EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Have you ever had a secret you were too embarrassed to share? Those who hoard may not disclosesymptoms due to potential embarrassment, judgment, and ridicule. This presentation will explorecauses, symptoms, treatment, and care methods for those managing this condition. The focus ison the aging population. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya […]


PTSD: Healing the Emotional Wound EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

When trauma occurs, it can have lasting effects on the person who experiences it and theircaregiver. This presentation defines PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and reviews the impactof trauma. Highlighted are treatment options and self-care strategies related to older adults. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided […]


Anxiety: Managing Nervous Energy EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

A growing number of individuals report experiencing anxiety symptoms in recent years. This courseexamines anxiety as it disproportionately affects the aging population. Traditional and alternativetreatments will be the focus of symptom management. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and Human […]


Facing the Emotional Challenges of Chronic Illness EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Receiving a chronic illness diagnosis can produce a range of emotional responses. In this training,we will explore the physical and mental impact of these conditions. Understanding can help usremain proactive, be resilient and promote better outcomes. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department […]


Not as Prescribed: Effects of Medication Misuse EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Did you know misuse of medications is a growing problem in older adults? This course will reviewhow the aging process can lead to unintentional misuse and adverse changes to the brain. Here,we will discuss interventions and methods available to support the reduction of this evolvingconcern. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya […]


Dementia: A Deeper Understanding EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Did you know that dementia is an umbrella term including a variety of different symptoms? Caringfor someone with dementia can present unique challenges. This curriculum will examine, in detail,associated symptoms and behavioral changes. It will also explore best practices for care delivery. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. […]


The Many Uses of Antidepressant Medications EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Antidepressants treat depression, but did you realize there are other uses for this medication?This course will examine the traditional use of antidepressant medications, potential side effects,and administration protocols. Off-label possibilities are also considered with a focus on the olderpopulation. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided […]


Suicide and Aging…Conversations for Life! EGAMHST

Yadkin County Public Library 233 E. Main St.,, Yadkinville, NC, United States

Conversations about suicide are not always comfortable; however, having the dialogue opens thedoor for help! This course focuses on warning signs, adaptive responses, and prevention methodsfor aging individuals at risk of suicide. This is a free in-person event facilitated by the Vaya Health GERO Team. CEU's are provided through NC Department of Health and Human […]
